Samsung patent smartwatch projector and screen your hand

Samsung patent smartwatch

Samsung has documented an application for another smartwatch highlight that could possibly make the shrewd timepiece somewhat more basic. The innovation secured by the patent would permit a smartwatch client to extend the watch's UI onto the hand, arm or wrist of the wearer. The picture could likewise be anticipated on dividers or on different surfaces.

So what could the client do with the projection? First and foremost, telephone numbers could be entered by tapping on the numbers anticipated on the watch wearer's arm or wrist. What's more, content could be entered through the projection of a QWERTY console, or by utilizing an element that would read penmanship from the back of your hand, or from some other spot where the watch can extend a picture.

On the off chance that this patent comes to realization, smartwatches won't need to be kept down by the measure of their screens. Still, we get the possibility this is as yet something that will require additional time and testing before Sammy begins to incorporate it on monetarily accessible shrewd timepieces.

The patent's title is Wearable gadget and control strategy thereof and we've incorporated a portion of the delineations from the application for you to examine. See more images:

Samsung patent smartwatch projector screen Samsung patent smartwatch projector screen
