Microsoft update OneDrive app adds Pokemon tag

Tag Pokemon

Microsoft update OneDrive app adds Pokemon tag

Pokémon GO won't not be accessible on the Windows stage, but rather that hasn't halted Microsoft from attempting to be a piece of the fun others is by all accounts having.

One expansion to OneDrive is the alternative to sort your screenshots with the Pokémon tag. At the point when your portable screenshots from iOS or Android get went down to your OneDrive record, the administration can consequently distinguish them and even perceive the specific Pokémon in them, and label them so they are anything but difficult to discover. You can likewise sort the name of a Pokémon to discover pictures with that specific Pokémon in them.

Other than that, OneDrive will now additionally perceive different photographs taken rapidly in a specific area and sort them together in a programmed collection. There is additionally another 'On this day' include that shows photographs tackled that day in your All Photos view. You can likewise look for photographs by writing things, for example, "feline" or "dusk", or the name of an area, or even emoji.
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